Monday, December 21, 2009

What to look for in 2010

2 more weeks until the new year, and with that here are some of the emerging tactics to look forward to (and continue) in 2010. It should come as no surprise that Social Media, Video, Mobile Marketing and Augmented Reality will be at the top of people's minds. Look for a variety of these tactics to be merged with each other creating a truly integrated experience. Let's take a look at some of these tactics in action, and what we may be able to learn from them.

1. Utilizing video to showcase new product: Google Chrome

I actually watched the "making of" video of this as well, which is very interesting. The objective was to simplify things. Look at the key features of Google Chrome (speed, security, stability etc.) and articulate the benefits.
Customers want to clearly understand the benefits of a product. Plain and simple. What is the product's utility? This video clearly does that, giving the prospective customer a clear idea of what he/she would be getting.

2. Using Augmented Reality to pick a package size for USPS

I think AR can be very beneficial and useful in the future. This is a pretty good example of how USPS allows the user to figure out the correct size of the box for a shipment. But I must first ask, is that a major problem for people who work in that capacity? Do they regularly pick the wrong box prior to a shipment? Maybe that is a pain point, I don't know. Point being, make sure there is a need prior to engaging.

3. Guinness taking to Social Media with Facebook/Google Earth engagement

I think this Facebook/Google Earth idea is extremely engaging and visually appealing, however, I will be very curious to see how this plays out. They are building an interactive experience, which certainly will engage users and create a stickiness with the Brand. But which users? New or Existing? Will people want to go through all the steps in order to set this up?
In order for this to work you need to have Google Earth or a plug in. The objective is to create your own world using terrain from real locations and then get their friends to participate using Facebook. The more diverse the planet, the more droplets of water appear ultimately unlocking a pint of Guinness. Over time the user can win a case of beer with the grand prize being a year supply of Guinness.

4. Zipcar's iPhone Mobile App connects customers

Zipcar partnered with Apple to create a very useful and practical application for iPhone users. You can now choose and find a Zipcar on the go via this application. It works with GPS and Google Maps to help you locate the right car for you. My only thought on this (as mentioned in a previous post) is what about the non iPhone users? It is mentioned about 25% of Zipcar users own iPhones. What about everyone else? Maybe I am missing something here, but it seems you can apply some type of mobile applications to more than just 25% of the people.

I can't stress enough that in order for any of these tactics to be successful, you must re-evaluate your customers. Understand the segments that make up your target. You then need to monitor them on an ongoing basis so you can evolve with them and provide the appropriate segment with the right approach. Now, with more ways than ever to engage with the customer you need to be more relevant than ever in their eyes. It should go without saying, we need to give the customers what they want, when they want it. We need to listen to them first, understand them, then determine what the best tactic would be for them.

Happy Holidays to everyone!


  1. Interesting assessment and prognostication.

    But let's not lose sight of this fact. Due to the lingering recession - if one agrees that it's lingering - adoption of key technologies will be delayed as cost of adoption will be prohibitive to many consumers. Thus, reliance on traditional media - especially cost-effective and/or measurable media such as mail and DM print - will continue unabated. In fact, spending on mail is actually on the rise, despite the perception that it is archaic, old school etc.

    Bottom line. Don't ignore the leading edge, but don't fall off it either.

  2. AR is awesome. Period. Whether or not it ties into any sort of marketing niche, or has any use to anyone at all, is beside the point. At least we are thinking of ways to better use technology and make things easier. Do I think USPS is the leader of this technology, and will this feature make me use them exclusively for shipping? No.

  3. excellent post my good sir. i couldn't agree more with your last paragraph.

    another thing i think will be huge is the intersection of location & social media, eg. foursquare. people are reluctant to give out their whereabouts to marketers, but if you tie it into some sort of useful experience, i think you'll start to see a lot of people more willing to share that info. think about the possibilities then!
