Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Achieving a Successful Word of Mouth Campaign....

begins with understanding the science behind advocacy and amplification. These are recognized as the key drivers in a successful WOM campaign. But what makes people talk and effectively drive others to buy something?

I was lucky enough to sit in on a webinar delivered by Steve Knox last week. He is the CEO of Tremor the word of mouth marketing division at P&G. He explored the essential psychology involved in creating a successful WOM campaign. Let's explore this foundation.

People want to talk, (it's who we are) and we basically talk for 2 reasons:
1. To reveal a surprising piece of information that will help my friends out
2. To reveal a surprising piece of information that if I tell you will reflect positively on me

OK, seems simple enough, but how do we do this? For the sake of this conversation, I am going to make up a fictitious Airline, Air Saccone. I will use examples related to this to clarify each of the steps.
Step 1:
The first step is to identify the foundational truth about your brand...What does your brand stand for and how is it perceived by everyone? This is something that MUST remain constant in order to achieve success. For Air Saccone, we are a reliable airline in the continental USA. If you're talking about something that is far removed from the foundation of your brand it won't have any credibility and won't gain traction.
Step 2:
Understand the schemas, or mental models of how people perceive your product/service. Basically these are the truths we believe, for instance "flying is a hassle". Extensive research of your target is needed to fully understand the schemas at play for your product/service. These schemas by themselves, aren't talked about by people since they are widely assumed by everyone and not noteworthy.
Step 3:
Interrupt these everyday schemas. Create a DISRUPTION in people's equilibrium and they'll want to talk about it. Create the "unexpected" and achieve advocates.
For Air Saccone, the disruption to "flying is a hassle" may be "They provide your luggage immediately after getting off the plane", there is no need to go to baggage claim. Wow! I know if I flew on an airline that offered that I would tell everyone. Heck, when I realized Jet Blue had TV's in every seat I told everyone. People will speak when they experience the unexpected! Create a Disruption!
Step 4:
Amplification. Spread the word through connectors. Find people with wide and deep social networks. People that like to talk and spread the news that you don't have to wait for your baggage if you fly Air Saccone. Again, this takes extensive research and time to identify these key people. (Keep in mind, it is not always early adopters, connectors are spread throughout the entire product life cycle). Encourage both offline and online discussions. Engage your connectors with your product or service. Pick a few people and give them free airline tickets on Air Saccone. Get them engaged...That way they have a tangible story to tell.

Step 5:
Test! Set up control markets with and without connectors. Monitor the results and react accordingly.

To summarize if executed properly advocacy can be achieved through creating a positive disruption in a persons schema (that relates to the foundational truth of the brand). Amplification, by identifying the right connectors, will help spread your message and get people engaging in your offering.

Although made up, I think Air Sacone articulates how the mind works and what makes up a sustainable word of mouth campaign. I realize, this isn't always practical with some products or services, but you can always create a disruption, if not product related, but service related. Look what you can do to change people's perception and get them talking. I feel strongly that people will talk about positive customer experiences. This is in control of most companies. Look within your own company to see what you can do differently. Do something nobody else is doing. Maybe offer free lunch every Tuesday at Bank XYZ or instead of taking a test drive, take the car home for a day...
Word of Mouth is the most trusted source for product trial. Knowing that, doesn't it make sense to take time to understand it.


  1. like your previous post, social media plays a huge part in this now. people will always talk about things that make them look good, interesting, etc but now we have tools to facilitate that conversation on a quicker and broader scale.

  2. good post Chris.
    Also,I would add determination of the tipping point / how to reach it is a success factor. Good insights related to WOM from Gladwell. More here too:

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  5. That was a very well written article and I really enjoyed the two facts you explained on why we want to talk.
