Wednesday, December 9, 2009

These are not the (An)Droids you're looking for....

Maybe not just yet, but it seems in fact, Android is creating quite a buzz....Gartner studies show that Android market share will jump to 14.5% in 2012!!!! (they are currently at 3.5%).
Since there are conflicting definitions of how to define a Smartphone, for the sake of this discussion lets say it's any handset that uses a high level OS that can run multiple applications at once...

Right now, the current global smartphone market share as of (Q3/09) is Symbian (Nokia) 39% RIM (Blackberry)20% Iphone 17% and Android 3.5%. *

Let's also look at what this means for the immediate future of mobile marketing? According to the Gartner report, Android is going to grow and grow fast and begin to take some marketshare away from the iphone...Maybe this is a wake up call to marketers to start paying more attention to the other platforms?? As a blackberry owner, I don't understand why there isn't more marketing emphasis towards us. Yes, I know we aren't known for cool apps, but still, you can't ignore 20%.

Never underestimate the iphone, and chances are the other providers will be continually upgrading their offerings too, but I think there needs to be a greater marketing awareness and emphasis towards other mobile platforms. Again, we are talking about over 60% of smartphone users.

The bottom line is I think you really need to understand your target and what cross-section of the smartphone world they belong to. Understand the devices they are using, how they are using them and help define what could be functionally beneficial to them. Let's look beyond a "cool app". Do I really need an app to disguise my voice???
This will help inform the right mobile strategy for your client, and ultimately help their customers.



  1. I'm down for the Android. This is def. the droid I am looking for. Google Goggles, alone, it is awesome.

  2. the iphone was the first phone that really really promoted the idea of the "app" and made a killing out of it. plus it's still the bright and shiny new object that gets people and clients excited. as mobile marketing evolves, it can't be thought of as an "iphone app" or a "blackberry app" but a "mobile app". you need a mobile strategy, not an handset-specific strategy. iphones are sexy, but strategically-driven cross-platform mobile initiatives that drive results are sexier.

  3. Foursquare is developing a BB app:
