Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Subservient chicken had nothing on her....

Burger King is at it again, this time introducing us to the Subservient shower girl (for their UK market).

But again, while very cool and very SEXY, will this increase sales of BK breakfast? Maybe the shower girl will actually serve us our food in bed, that would drive sales!!!!! But I don't think that's the case.
What I heard, while the SUB was a viral success, it didn't really increase sales of the chicken sandwich (which was likely the stated goal of the initiative).

Definitely something to monitor over the coming weeks/months...But something also that needs to be understood with Viral, cool doesn't always = Success....


  1. i wouldn't be so sure that the goal of SC was to move product. same thing with this. you can't deny the power of buzz and people talking about your brand. while that's a lot harder to quantify, i'm willing to bet that the cost to build the SC site was a lot less than the cumlative media exposure in $ and WOM it generated. same as this. i already saw it posted in my FB feed by a few people this morning already.

    and from today's adage, BK's marketing director said generating buzz is a positive result in and of itself.

  2. Papa-papa-papa-arazzi

  3. I want to be excited about this, but then it becomes apparent that this woman was made to humiliate herself by wearing cheeseburgers over her breasts in an effort to excite me and worse, get me to buy the cheeseburgers...

  4. Maybe it's me, but alot of this naked bimbo stuff is starting to look really old school - as in give it a rest already. The ante has been upped so high that short of showing two people getting down, who gives a sh*t. What is this - 1955? Wooooowwwww...they showed a lady in her underwear.

    All this in addition to the fact that - despite the supposed backlash and return to neanderthal attitudes - alot of people really don't like sexist stuff anymore. In fact, the sexism will repel them from buying BK products.
